Legacy Bible


Specialty Bible

Product Concept, Project Management, Writing, Editorial


Kenton Beshore, senior pastor of Mariners Church in Irvine, CA, had a dream of creating a Bible that would preserve a believer’s story of the lessons learned, dreams realized, and promises revealed—a Bible where one can record the richness of God’s work, God’s insights, God’s grace to preserve for future generations. Livingstone was privileged to work with Kenton to realize his dream. The Livingstone IdeaLab helped to pull together the concept for this Bible, the features, and the focus.

The Livingstone team
•    Worked with Kenton Beshore to form his idea
•    Created the proposal that highlighted the features for this Bible
•    Developed a “Purpose, Philosophy, Plan” for the entire Bible and for each feature
•    Worked with Kenton Beshore and Zondervan to develop the product
•    Wrote some of the features
•    Edited all features
•    Delivered the written material to Zondervan for placement in the Bible

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