The Fruit of Joy

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23 NIV)

It’s a rainy day in Chicago today. I should be used to this by now after almost 28 years. Spring means rain, cold, clouds, thunderstorms. Yeah, yeah, I know that all this rain just gets us ready for the blooms of spring, but on these dark mornings, I need a good dose of joy to get me going. Care to join me?

It’s probably an overused metaphor, but those gray rainclouds do indeed connote sadness and depression. And when those clouds encircle us, it’s difficult to find a ray of joy at all, much less to feel and act joyful. Even as winter winds down and spring approaches, you might feel a bit melancholy. Maybe this economy has affected you and your family. Job loss. Tight finances. Sorrow. Hurt. Illness. Dare I go on? We’re all dealing with something that seeks to rob our joy.

My friend, I’m here to tell you not to try to manufacture a feeling of joy–you’re only working against yourself. Life is tough and if you’ve been facing great difficulty, you need not berate yourself for just not being in a joyful mood. I am here to encourage you, however, to reach deep down into your soul and discover that you already have a dose of joy there, for if you are a Christian you have the Holy Spirit who promises that “the fruit of the Spirit is . . . joy.” You see, joy is already there, deep in your heart. So whether you feel joyful is not the starting point. The starting point is to quietly sit before God and express to Him your deepest hurts and concerns and to ask Him to grow in you His fruit of joy.

If you do that today, your spirits will lift and your mood will lighten. Why? Because by seeking God and taking Him at His word, you are trusting in His promies. And the more you trust, the more you comprehend that whatever is happening in your life is indeed part of His plan, it will result in good, it will give you a future and a hope. The promises, far from being stale or pat answers, are instead living and breathing promises that are true for you today.

Take a deep breath. Let the Spirit of joy make its way to the surface today of your life. I promise you–you’ll feel better and you’ll bless someone else who needs a dose of joy along the way.

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