
On this day in 1929, Americans Richard Boyd and Floyd Bennett became the first to fly over the North Pole.

It only takes one person to forge a trail, explore a new area, or try something new for the first time. Then others will follow.

This was certainly true when Richard Evelyn Byrd and his co-pilot Floyd Bennett became the first people to fly over the North Pole. A member of the U.S. Navy, Byrd learned to fly during World War I. He subsequently became a flying instructor for the U.S. Navy and was interested in experimenting with new ways of flying over water out of sight of land—a definite necessity in flying over the pole. Using equipment and techniques that he developed, Byrd and Bennett successfully navigated the North Pole flyover on this day in 1929.

What was most significant about Byrd’s successful flight, however, is what happened afterward. Upon Byrd’s return to New York, he was asked what his next plans would be. His response? To fly over the South Pole! It was this answer that spurred 11 different expeditions of Americans to explore the South Pole.

When it comes to firsts and leading the way, there is only one First—Jesus. He was God’s firstborn from the very beginning (Hebrews 1:6). He was the first in the royal line, the king of all kings (Psalm 89:27). Jesus is the first to rise from the dead and ascend into heaven to show us the way (Revelation 1:5). He is the very first “in the line of humanity” so that we can see from Jesus’ example how we should live and how we should act.

So it makes sense that we should follow the First and go where Jesus goes. And if you are the first of your family or your friends at school to follow Jesus, be like Byrd and encourage others to follow your lead.

God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son. The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him (Romans 8:29, The Message).

To Do

With the help of a parent, record a list of “firsts” in your life. Which “first” did others in your family follow? Which of the “firsts” in your parents’ lives have you followed?

Also on this day . . .

Today is National Butterscotch Brownie Day.

1899—The lawn mower was patented.

2002—In Bahrain, people were allowed to vote for representatives for the first time in nearly 30 years. Women were allowed to vote for the first time in the country’s history.

From Betsy Schmitt and Dave Veerman, 365 Trivia Twist Devotions: An Almanac of Fun Facts and Spiritual Truth for Every Day of the Year (Cincinnati: Standard, 2005). Scripture quotations are from the New Living Translation unless otherwise noted.

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