Story Time

This is Family Stories Month.

The holidays are just around the corner, a time for family get-togethers, lots of good food—and storytelling! Yes, that’s right. It’s inevitable that when families get together the stories begin flowing. “Remember when we . . . ” “When I was your age . . . ” “Did I ever tell you about the time . . . ?”

Family stories are important. Some stories may make us laugh, some may encourage us in our tough times, and some may cause us to think. But most important, these stories bond us together as family because these stories form our shared history. It’s what makes our family unique. Every family has its own stories to tell.

The same is true with God’s family. Just as God was sending Moses to Pharaoh with warnings about the upcoming plagues, he told Moses, “You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren.” Imagine the stories Moses had to tell!

On numerous occasions the Israelites were told to tell stories about God and what he had done for them. Why? Because such stories helped the people remember God’s care for them. Remembering God’s deeds in the past encouraged the people during the difficult times, helped to strengthen their faith, and built their trust in God.

When we share stories about what God is doing in our lives and what he has done in the past, we also are building our faith and encouraging others. When you tell someone how God has helped you in a particular situation, you challenge that person to trust God. When you share how God encouraged you through a particular Bible verse, someone else may find the same strength.

You’re part of God’s family. What stories do you have to share?

You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren about the marvelous things I am doing among the Egyptians to prove that I am the Lord (Exodus 10:2).

To Do

Tell a story today about what God has done in your life.

Also on this day

Today is National “Dear Santa” Letter Week.

1906—President Theodore Roosevelt left for Panama to see the progress on the new canal. It was the first foreign trip by a U.S. President.

1927—Giant pandas were discovered in China.

From Betsy Schmitt and Dave Veerman, 365 Trivia Twist Devotions: An Almanac of Fun Facts and Spiritual Truth for Every Day of the Year (Cincinnati: Standard, 2005). Scripture quotations are from the New Living Translation unless otherwise noted.

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