John 2
2:1-12 David Rosales, Calvary Chapel of the Chino Valley, Chino, California
2:1 a wedding. Little is known of how a wedding was performed in first-century Palestine, but clearly the feast was very important and might go on for a week. To fail in proper hospitality was a serious offense. Cana. Mentioned only in Johns Gospel 2:11; 4:46,50; 21:2). It was west of the Sea of Galilee, but the exact location is unknown.
2:3 When the wine was gone. More than a minor social embarrassment, since the family had an obligation to provide a feast of the socially required standard. There was no great variety in beverages, and people normally drank water or wine.
2:4 My time has not yet come. Several similar expressions scattered through this Gospel (7:6,8,30; 8:20) picture Jesus moving inevitably toward the destiny for which he had come: the time of his sacrificial death on the cross. At the crucifixion and resurrection Jesus time had truly come (12:23,27; 13,1;16:32; 17:1).
2:6 ceremonial washing. Jews became ceremonially defiled during the normal circumstances of daily life, and were cleansed by pouring water over the hands. For a lengthy feast with many guests a large amount of water was required for this purpose. holding. Refers to capacity, not actual content.
2:11 signs. John always refers to Jesus miracles as signs, a word emphasizing the significance of the action rather than the marvel (see, eg 4:54; :6:14; 9:16; 11:47). They revealed Jesus glory (see 1:14; cf. lsa 35:1-2; Joel 3:18 Am 9:13).
2:12 went down. Situated on the shore of the lake, Capernaum was at a lower level than Cana. brothers. see note on Lk 8:19.
2:13 Passover. See Ex 12 and notes on Ex 12:11-23; see also: notes on Mt 26:17,18-30; Mk 14:1,12; Lk 22:1; and chart on OT Feasts and Other Sacred Days, p. 224. Passover was one of the annual feasts that all Jewish men were required to celebrate in Jerusalem (Dt 16:16). See note on 5:1.